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How to End Walmart Plus Membership Hassle-Free

Published :- 11 December 2024 By Alessia Tummino
How to cancel Walmart Plus Membership,

Looking to cancel Walmart Plus? Many of you might feel the process to be a bit confusing but as you are here, and once you reach the end of this page then we can surely state that the process will look as if the cancellation can be done in just a few clicks.

The membership on Walmart+ comes up with services offering a wide variety of features, especially for the frequent shoppers of Walmart. Although the benefits seem to be quite valuable yet one may come across circumstances when the need might arise to cancel a Walmart Plus membership. So without any further delay let’s move to the main concern of this page.

Walmart Plus cancellation: Methods:

There are two different modes through which members can easily opt out of the membership. These methods are:-

i. Cancel Online Via Website

ii. Cancel through the App

Let’s now look at these methods one by one in detail below.

i. How to cancel Walmart Plus membership online via Website:

Here are the steps one must follow to Walmart Plus membership cancellation through the website:

  1. First, visit the website of Walmart through any preferred web browser on your device.
  2. Next, move to the membership page of Walmart+. Login to the account by entering the required credentials (if not signed in).
  3. Look for the option on ‘Cancel Membership’ on the Membership Page.
  4. Now, follow the instructions prompted on the screen to confirm the option on ‘Cancel Membership’ and it will be done.

ii. How do I cancel my Walmart Plus membership through the Walmart App:

To cancel Walmart Plus one must perform these below-described steps one by one:-

  1. To begin with, first, open the Walmart App on the device and then locate the tab on Walmart +.
  2. Tap on the ‘Manage Membership’ section.
  3. Next, scroll below the Manage Membership
  4. Now, click on ‘Cancel Your Account’ / ‘Cancel Free Trial’ option.
  5. Then, confirm the cancellation by selecting the button on ‘Confirm’.
  6. A confirmation email on the cancellation of the subscription will be sent to you on the registered email address.

How do I cancel my Walmart Plus: Refund:

Cancellations made within Fifteen (15) days of signing in to the Walmart+ membership, can access the eligibility to attain a full refund. Once this period is over no refunds will be awarded but can attain to access the benefits of the membership account till the end of the ongoing billing period.

Wrapping Up:

It might happen that a Walmart Plus membership does not seem to be satisfactory is quite a common case. The company provides a wide range of options for its members that can be opted for cancellation of the subscription. Just ensure to follow the steps correctly and to be more careful while delivering information related to the account to avoid confusion. On attaining a subscription from any third party, cancellation can be made through the respective platform.

If you still feel that you have doubts then it is recommended to directly get in touch with the customer support team for an instant solution.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do you cancel Walmart Plus?

The methods involved: Online via the membership page of Walmart+ on its website and the other is through the Walmart App.

What is the Walmart refund policy?

Full refund initiated upon Walmart Plus cancellation within 15 days of attaining the account.